YCC-KIO team of University of Transport Technology won the third prize in Air Quality Monitoring Satelitte Launching - CanSat 2017-2018 Competition

  • 16/04/2019 16:04

On March 10th, 2018, YCC-KIO team of Youth Creation Club (YCC-UTT) - University of Transport Technology participated in “CanSat 2017-2018” with the topic “Air quality monitoring” and won the third prize for the first time participation. The competition was organized by Vietnam National Space Center (Under Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology) in cooperation with Military Technical Academy.

YCC-KIO team of Youth Creation Center (YCC-UTT) won the third prize at CanSat Day of 2017-2018

Key members of YCC-KIO team are from the Youth Creation Club (YCC-UTT) who took part in the CanSat Day of 2017-2018 with the aims at studying and exchanging the knowledge on the satellite development procedure from concept design analysis, manufaction design, testing and operation as well as experiencing the satellite development and applying satellite manufacturing technology into real life. CanSat Day has motivated the youth in satellite manufacturing technology, and helped to update and develop the satellite manufaction technology in Vietnam. YCC-KIO team of UTT excellently won the third prize at this competition, after succeeding in the first round of concepts among 10 teams from various well-reputed univeristies across the country. In the second round of satellite manufacture, YCC-KIO excellently entered the short list of three teams with the best achievements despite the fact that the team’s innitial purpose when participating this competition was getting to know space technologies, the management of space equipment development project and scientific concept development.

The team competed at shooting ground in Vinh Phuc

CanSat- aslo called “satellite in drink cans” - is a simulator of a real satellite in its orbit which is used for many educational purposes. The CatSat weights about 1kg and is integrated into a small structure of a water can size. The CanSat operation procedure resembles that of space satellites: after being lauched to the appropriate heigh, the satellite will seperate. After a certain time, the satellite’s systems are activated and implement the designed scenarios and tasks.

Youth Creation Club (YCC-UTT) of University of Transport Technology

The Youth Creation Club YCC-UTT were founded in 2013. The Club is a place for the lecturers and students who love science and technology to exchange and perform scientific research. The goal of the club is to improve knowledge, teamwork ability and soft skills for the club’s members as well as to boost the movement of applied scientific research among UTT lecturers and students. The Club has bred gifted students to particpate in technical creation competitions such as: Vifotec, Robocon, Cansat, Honda fuel - saving vehicle manufaction.

Nguyen Chung
University of Transport Technology

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