Development experience exchange partnership Project in Viet Nam (DEEP) is sponsored by Korean Government through KOICA - Korean Internationa Cooperation Agency. The project aims at consulting on PPP implementation of infrustructure projects, legal system and capacity enhancement in railway sector.
On May 10th 2018, Ministry of Transport in coordination with the representing agency of Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) in Vietnam organized the lauching ceremony of the KOICA granted Project for Development Experience Exchange Partnership in Transport Sector. As one of the universities under Ministry of Transport, UTT students majoring in Rolling Stock has participated in some training courses to enhance the capacity of railway sector. The completed training courses were about Railway Construction, Transport Policy. The on going training course is about Railway Rolling Stock, which is very practical, useful and directly related to the students’ speciality in the future.
Attending the course, students have chance to discuss with Korean professors and leading experts; access to the latest technologies in railway sector of developed countries in the world; especially, the students’ English for specific purposes will improve significantly. At the end of the course, the students will be awarded the certificate of completion. After graduation, the students can make use of this knowledges to work at the urban railway lines which are under construction and completion such as Cat Linh- Ha Dong line, Nhon - Ha Noi Station line, Ben thanh- Suoi tien line...
The number of students participating the courses increases each day which shows the students’ excitement and interest for their major. The course provides the students with more comprehensive view of the their career, helps them to have a clear guidance and more passion for their job.
Following are some photos of the course on Railway Rolling Stock:
Dr. Nguyen Quang Anh delivered the opening speech for the course
Dr. Kim Joo Uk, the DEEP project’s representative delivered a speech
Dr. Jinyu Choi introduced about the railway system
Dr. Jeong Seo Koo gave lectures on designing and simulating the collision endurance of the train
Dr. Taehwan Ko gave presentation on the train brake system
Dr. Taehwan Ko took photos with students majoring in Railway Rolling Stock
Dr. Nam-Po Kim presented about the modern bogie structure
Practical knowledge exchange between professor Nam-Po Kim and students
Dr. Hong Jai Sung gave presentation on the structure and interior of the carriagePhD. Hong Jai Sung took photos with students of K66 batch majoring in Railway Rolling Stock
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
University of Transport Technology
On March 19, 2021, the University of Transport Technology (UTT) organized the International Conference on Intelligent System and Networks (ICISN 2021). This is the first international conference in a series of conferences that the University of Transport Technology proposed, hosted and became an annual scientific activity to be held annually.
The project: Mainstreaming electric mobility in Vietnam, focusing on two-wheelers is supported by the United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) and the BMU-IKI to integrate electric 2-3 wheelers in urban transport for East Africa and Southeast Asia covering countries including, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda for East Africa and the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam for Southeast Asia..
On March 10th, 2018, YCC-KIO team of Youth Creation Club (YCC-UTT) - University of Transport Technology participated in “CanSat 2017-2018” with the topic “Air quality monitoring” and won the third prize for the first time participation. The competition was organized by Vietnam National Space Center (Under Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology) in cooperation with Military Technical Academy.
Under the framework of cooperation between University of Transport Technology and The Assemblée des Directeurs d’IUT (ADIUT), University of Transport Technology hosted the 2018 enrollment day new students for ADIUT on April 2nd 2018..
On March 31st 2018, University of Transport Technology in coordination with Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of Ha noi organized the 10th Job Festival Day for capital youth in 2018 with the aim of promoting the role of Youth Union in caring, supporting and accompanying the youth in their business startup..
On the morning of March 11th 2018, University of Transport Technology participated in the 2018 Admission consultancy and vocational orientation Day at Hanoi University of Science and Technology. The program were organized by the Ministry of Education and Training, the Youth Newspaper in coordination with Hanoi Deparment of Education and Training..