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Tiến Sỹ Kỹ Thuật

Trường Đại học Công nghệ Giao thông vận tải

Đơn vị: Phòng KHCN và HTQT

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  • stars 2. Các công trình khoa học đã công bố
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  • 1
    Development of Artificial Neural Networks for Prediction of Compression Coefficient of Soft Soil
    CIGOS 2019, Innovation for Sustainable Infrastructure Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Geotechnics, Civil Engineering Works and Structures Published by Springer
  • 2
    Experimental Study on Thermal Rupture of A Tensioning Stay Cable Element
    JSCE International Symposium 2017
  • 3
    Experimental and Numerical Case Study of Lateral Cable Rupture in Cable-Stayed Bridges
    Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE
  • 4
    Dynamic behavior of cable-stayed bridge due to cable rupture (Bài báo tiếng Nhật - Đồng tác giả)
    JSCE 71th Annual Meeting, 2015.9.
  • 5
    Experimental and dynamic response analysis of cable-stayed bridge due to sudden cable loss
    JSCE Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.62A, March
  • 6
    Analysis Of A Cable-Stayed Bridge Under Effect Of Lateral Stay Cable Breakage
    JSCE International Symposium 2016
  • 7
    Dynamic behavior of cable-stayed bridge due to cable rupture (Bài báo tiếng Nhật - Đồng tác giả)
    JSCE 70th Annual Meeting, 2015.9.
  • 8
    Experimental Study on Impact Force Factor during Sudden Cable Loss in Cable-Stayed Bridges
    IABSE Workshop Helsinki 2015: Safety, Robustness and Condition Assessment of Structures
  • 9
    Static Analysis Of Cable-Stayed Bridge Under Effect Of Sudden Cable Rupture
    JSCE International Symposium 2015, Japan.
  • 10
    Vibration Behaviour and Seismic Performance of a Steel Cable-Stayed Bridge with Low-Rise Pylons (Đồng tác giả)
    Vibration Behaviour and Seismic Performance of a Steel Cable-Stayed Bridge with Low-Rise Pylons
  • 11
    Sectional force of cable-stayed bridge due to various kind of foundation movement (Bài báo tiếng Nhật - Đồng tác giả)
    JSCE 69th Annual Meeting, 2014.9
  • 12
    Stability Analysis of the effect of soil settlement on a Cable-Stayed Bridge in Mekong River Delta
    JSCE International Symposium 2013, Japan.
  • 13
    Stability Analysis of a Cable-Stayed Bridge in Mekong River Delta due to Soil Settlement
    Long Span Bridges and Roofs - Development, Design and Implementation - 36th IABSE Symposium, Kolkata, India.
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